

Planfulness Ability as a Mediator of the Relationship between Learning from Supervisor and Readiness for Change : Empirical Evidence from India


Mohit Pahwa, Santosh Rangnekar

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present research aims to examine whether learning from the supervisor influences readiness for change with the mediating impact of planfulness. Drawing upon the theory of planned behavior, it is hypothesized that learning from the supervisor positively impacts planfulness ability in individuals, which in turn enhances the readiness for change. Through using convenience sampling, the sample of 451 was collected from employees working full-time in the manufacturing and I.T. service organizations in India. Structural equation modeling and regression analysis indicate that learning from the supervisor is positively associated with readiness for change and planfulness. Additionally, planfulness fully mediated the relationship between learning from the supervisor and readiness to change. The findings of the present research highlight that continuous support and learning from the supervisor enhances the planfulness ability of the individual and consequently enhances individual readiness for change. The current research is pioneering in testing the hypothetical model associating learning from the supervisor, planfulness, and readiness for change.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1 Learning from Supervisor
3. Planfulness
4. Readiness for Change
4.1 Theory of Planned Behavior
5. Linking learning from supervisor and Readiness for Change
6. Linking learning from Supervisor and Planfulness
7. Linking Learning from Supervisor, Planfulness, and Readiness for Change
8. Proposed Hypothesized Model
9. Research Methodology
9.1 Data and Sample
9.2 Measures
10. Analysis and Results
10.1 Descriptive Statistics
11. Discussion
12. Theoretical Implications
13. Practical Implications
14. Limitations and Future Research Direction
15. Conclusion


  • Mohit Pahwa Assistant Professor, NMIMS Deemed to be University, Chandigarh India
  • Santosh Rangnekar Professor, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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