Mid- to Long-term Development Strategies of Business Incubation Centers - Based on Interviews with Start-up Companies and Benchmarking of Business Incubation Centers in Developed Countries
The purpose of this study was to make a mid- and long-term development plan on the business incubator center after interviewing five startups that currently being occupied in or already left the center and reviewing benchmark on business incubator centers in developed countries such as USA, Sweden, and Israel. For the interview, the three startups currently being occupied in the center and the two companies already left the center were participated. The main strengths of the center from all of these five companies were easy accessibility to the equipment and space and at the same time trustworthy from the outside vendors and/or government, etc. USA is a leading country who has long history for the startups but mostly the private companies/organizations/individuals have supported the startups in terms of funding or consulting. Also, there are countless local governments nationwide who provide funding, education, and/or space for the small businesses. Mainly based on the interview and the benchmarking, the mid- and long-term development plan for the business incubator center was made. All six themes such as consortium for investment or a local network plan were derived for the development plan which was described in this study.
1. 서론
2. 해외 벤치마킹
2.1 미국
2.2 스웨덴
2.3 이스라엘
2.4 Top 5 글로벌 창업보육 회사
3. 인터뷰 분석
3.1 인터뷰 대상기업
3.2 분석결과
4. 중장기 지원모델 개발
4.1 중장기 발전모텔 키워드 및 주제 도출
4.2 센터 컨소시엄 투자 모델개발
4.3 지역기반 네트워킹 모델 개발
4.4 센터특화 장비활용 연계 모델 개발
4.5 브랜드 기반 기업홍보 강화 모델
4.6 입주기업 특화 컨설팅 지원 모델 개발
4.7 졸업기업 연속적 지원모델 개발
5. 결론 및 시사점