Rapid technological advancements have led to unprecedented changes across various industry sectors, including translation. It is imperative to prepare students for these technology-driven changes. Thus, this study presents the design and implementation of a translation module with future-oriented pedagogical goals in an undergraduate program. To validate the need for training, this paper explores domestic and overseas cases and assesses the expectation of students in the class. Previous research on translation technology training is reviewed, and the appropriate technology to be introduced in the class is explained. Furthermore, the paper discusses what should be taught about post-editing (MTPE) and computer-assisted translation (CAT) and how the content should be delivered. The paper also reviews traditional translation competence and proposes the right balance between technology and translation training. Finally, based on the above discussion, the paper suggests helpful tips for translation technology training in undergraduate settings.
I. 들어가는 말
II. 선행 연구
1. 번역기술 교육 필요성과 현황
2. 번역기술 교육의 우선순위와 필요 역량
3. 번역기술 교육의 우선순위와 필요 역량
III. 수업 사례
1. 번역기술에 대한 학습자들의 인식과 현황
2. CAT 기능 교육 범위, 도구 선정 및 교육 방법
3. 기술과 번역의 균형 그리고 교육 내용
IV. 수업 결과 분석
V. 맺음말