


고춧가루의 원산지 판별에 대한 연구


Discrimination of Geographical Origin of Red Pepper Powder

민승식, 안수진, 김형주, 이아영, 김선춘, 김은미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Red pepper powder is a necessary ingredient in our culinary culture, using in a variety of dishes such as Kimchi and salted seafood. As the global food landscape expands, the kind of red pepper powder is diversified, leading to an increased consumption trend. FTA was implemented in 2010 and almost agricultural products expected to be fully opened to international trade by the early 2030s. Red pepper powder imported with a low tariff has the potential to trigger a self-sufficiency collapse in the domestic red pepper industry and leading to a fraud of red pepper powder(ex. mislabeling). In response, this study seeks to develop a testing method for discerning the origin of domestic and imported red pepper powder and furthermore aims to mitigate social and economic confusion caused by inaccurate information provision and unjustifiable expenses. This study secured each 60 samples of red pepper powder from domestic and Chinese origin and then a comprehensive literature review guided the selection of components for analysis. Instrumental analyses, involving equipment such as HPLC, UV spectroscopy, ICP, IR-MS, were conducted through necessary pre-treatment. Among the 28 components analyzed, significant differences were observed in fructose, ASTA color value, total polyphenol content, Al, Fe, Na content and nitrogen isotope ratio mass analysis. Leveraging these findings, statistical techniques like discriminant analysis and logistic regression analysis were applied, yielding classification accuracies of 91.7 % and 98.3 %, respectively.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
1. 실험 재료 및 구성
2. pH 측정
3. 총산도 측정
4. 유리당류 함량
5. ASTA 색상값 측정
6. 총카로테노이드 함량
7. 총폴리페놀 함량
8. 금속 원소류 함량
9. 탄소 및 질소 동위원소비질량분석
10. 통계 분석
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
1. pH, 총산도 및 유리당류 함량
2. ASTA 색상값
3. 총카로테노이드 함량
4. 총폴리페놀 함량
5. 금속 원소류 함량
6. 탄소 및 질소 동위원소비질량분석
7. 통계 분석
8. 고찰
Ⅳ. 사사
Ⅴ. 참고문헌


  • 민승식 Seung-sik Min. 국립과학수사연구원 제주출장소 감정관
  • 안수진 Su-jin Ahn. 국립과학수사연구원 법과학부 독성학과 감정관
  • 김형주 Hyungjoo Kim. 국립과학수사연구원 법과학부 독성학과 감정관
  • 이아영 A-young Lee. 국립과학수사연구원 법과학부 독성학과 감정관
  • 김선춘 Sunchun Kim. 국립과학수사연구원 법과학부 독성학과 감정관
  • 김은미 Eunmi Kim. 국립과학수사연구원 법과학부 독성학과 감정관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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