

연구 논문

재외동포 문화교육을 위한 사진이미지 읽기


Reading photographic images for the culture education of Korean immigrants


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to read the elements of Korean culture by focusing on photographic images as text. It also suggests ways in which these images can be used to introduce Korean history and culture to Korean residents abroad. Therefore, the main beneficiaries of this study are the teachers, both in Korea and abroad, who devote themselves to teaching Korean language and culture to second and third generation Koreans. To help realize these goals, this study first attempts to define the concept of culture and how it is being continually redefined today. In this context, the reasons for the need for cultural education to Korean residents abroad are discussed. Then, photographs are examined as something that can be read ; from this perspective, specifical examples of photographs to be used to "read" Korean culture are given. Photographic texts such as postcards, informational posters, movie posters, and advertisement photos are analyzed for their potential as cultural texts. Lastly, suggestions are made about the role of photographs in providing cultural education to Korean residents abroad, at a time when visual images are everywhere around us.


  • 김기국


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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