

일두고택의 건축 내력과 변천에 관한 연구


A Study on the Architectural History and the Process of Transformation of the ILDU Historic House


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to this study, it is estimated that the ILDU historic house was constructed around the late Goryeo period, approximately in the year 1360, and the founder moved to Hamyang no earlier than 1350. The main house, the inner store-house, the inner gatehouse, and the ancestral shrine, which are situated on elevated ground, were initially constructed around 1360, and substantial expansions and renovations occurred around 1620. The shrine was relocated and reconstructed in its present location and form around 1843. Subsequent to that period, it underwent various architectural changes, including repairs and reconstructions. The sub-main house was originally constructed around 1620 and underwent a reconstruction in 1843. The main storehouse was built in 1930. Also, the man’s part of house, located on lower ground, was erected in 1843, while the other sub-main house seems to constructed around 1860. The auxiliary buildings, the main gatehouse and the outer storehouse, were initially constructed around 1360. It is estimated that they were similarly relocated and reconstructed in their current form, along with the construction of the man’s part of house in 1843. It has undergone a four-stage transformation process, influenced by various internal and external factors, including the local indigenization of the ILDU families of the same clan, as well as the popularization of Confucian ideology. These four stages include its formative period, growth phase, developmental stage, and maturity. It actively incorporated the contemporary factors of change into its residential architecture. This continuous adaptation is evident in its the space and floor plan, ultimately leading to its present-day architectural legacy.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 내용 및 방법
1.3 연구의 범위와 관련 선행연구
2. 내적 변화요인과 일두고택의 건축 내력
2.1 일두 종중(宗中)의 탄생과 종가(宗家)의 내력
2.2 일두 종중(宗中)과 종가(宗家)의 건축 조영활동
2.3 건축 조영 관련 주요 종손들과 세대 구성현황
3. 외적 변화요인과 일두고택의 건축 내력
3.1 유교적 사상과 사회 문화적 요인
3.2 건축사적 요인
4. 일두고택의 창건 내력과 변천과정
4.1 일두고택의 창건
4.2 일두고택의 변천단계
4.3 일두고택의 변천단계별 평면배치
5. 결론


  • 정인상 Joung, In-Sang. ㈜지인소재 대표이사, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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