

포스트모던 페미니즘에 표현된 헤어디자인 염색 연구


A study on hair design and dyeing expressed in postmodern feminism

권미윤, 정임전

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the theory of feminism and postmodern feminism, and analyzes how postmodern feminism is expressed in modern hairstyles. The results are as follows. First, in feminism, the factors that change hairstyles in the current era are in various social phenomena, and the biggest factor that can change women's clothes or hairstyles is the change in women's consciousness. It can be understood that feminism, which demands women's freedom and rights as human beings, originally started from the gender equality movement and aims to counter stereotypes about women that have been formed by male-dominated societies and to establish women's subjectivity. Second, postmodernism visually shares with feminism in that it turns its attention to the suppressed culture that does not become mainstream culture, such as third country's cultural style, resistance culture, and others, and is reborn as a new idea called postmodern feminism. The characteristics of postmodern feminism hair design can be seen as a social and cultural formation, not the essence of femininity, and the cultural value norms can be understood. Third, postmodern feminism hair style is not a dichotomous style of men and women, but humane and free from stereotypes. It is expressed in retro style, grunge look, cross over look, duo color, and contrast coloring, and various dyeing and lightening were used. Fourth, looking at the postmodern feminism expressed in the hair design, it is expressed in a neutral style excluding the characteristics of dark or dark hair, straight hair, voluminous hair, and formalized short hair. Soft C-curls, short, dark colors, and bright colors are mixed, and the difference in hair length and changes in hair color using atypical asymmetry were intended to express an integrated image of women and men.


I. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 페미니즘
2. 포스트모던 페미니즘
3. 헤어염색
4. 헤어디자인 염색
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 권미윤 Mee-Yun Kwon. 경인여자대학교 웨딩&이벤트과 교수
  • 정임전 Eim-Jen Joung. 경인여자대학교 웨딩&이벤트과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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