


「海渡る妻鹿」に関する一考察 -『男色大鑑』第1巻5話を中心に-


The study of “A stag crossing the sea” - 『Nansyoku Okagami』 on the basis of Volume 1, Episode 5 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, I examined how Togano’s stag legends are portrayed and their roles in Volume 1, Episode 5 of 『Nansyoku Okagami』 in 『Nihonsyoki』 and 『Settukoku Hudoki』. In chapter 2, I looked the researchers while reviewing the contents of 『Nihonsyoki』 & 『Settukoku Hudoki』. Dream interpretation is concern with faith in the power of language in depth. This is because the spiritual power of the language controls both the speaker and the listener. I think the fact that there has been such a legend since ancient times is proof that the spiritual ability of language was considered important evidence. In chapter 3, the two of them get together and then suddenly feel unlucky, the part of Tannosuke’s dream story serves as a harbinger of tragedy in this story. It can be seen from the fact that it reminds me of encounters to escape human eyes, and a stag crossing the sea. Togano’s stag’s legend accepted Volume 1, Episode 5. The love triangle between the stag couple and the stag is accepted as the love triangle between Daiemon, Tannosuke and the Lord. The dream interpretation of the female stag is accepted as Tannossuke’s answer to Tannossuke’s dream story. Finally, the death of male stag by an arrow is being accepted by Daiemon. The legend of Togano’s stag is playing an important role in the plot of second half of Volume 1, Episode 5, which leads to the tragic ending.


1. はじめに
2. 「菟餓野の鹿」伝説と先行研究
3. 「海渡る妻鹿」考
3.1 悲劇の前兆
3.2 伝説の受容と変容
4. おわりに


  • 李信恵 이신혜. 明知専門大学 招聘教授, 日本古典文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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