




A Comparative Study of Japanese “ue” and Korean “wi” in Linguistics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines and analyzes the similarities and differences between “ue” in Japanese and “wi” in Korean from a comparative point of view. The meanings and functions of Japanese “ue” have been previously studied in other literature, but no previous study focused on the comparative analysis with Korean language. In this paper, actual example sentences are studied to investigate the similarities and differences in meanings and functions of these expressions in both languages. The results can be summarized as follows. First, in the case of representing the meaning of the space, “ue” basically corresponds to “wi”. Furthemore, even when representing an abstracted space, “ue” has good correspondence to “wi”. Second, when “ue” contains other meanings than the space, the paper found that three different cases can be classified. First of all, “uede”, which indicates the meaning of the aspect and the viewpoint, corresponds to “~e isseoseo” in Korean. And “uede”, which indicates the meaning of a prerequisite, corresponds to “~han daeume” in Korean. Finally, “ueni”, which indicates the meaning of addition, corresponds to “~in deda” in Korean. In conclusion, “ue” in Japanese and “wi” in Korean have direct correspondence when they have the meaning of space, but they do not have a clear corresponding relationship when they express other meanings than the space. In other words, it is found that “ue” in Japanese generates grammaticalization from the meaning of space to other meanings, but “wi” in Korean does not show distinct grammaticalization like Japanese “ue”.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と考察方法
3. 分析と考察
3.1 空間を表す場合
3.2 空間以外を表す場合
3.2.1 「うえで」側面・観点
3.2.2 「うえで」前提条件
3.2.3 「うえに」付加・添加
4. まとめと今後の課題


  • 方允炯 방윤형. 水原大学校 外国語学部 日語日文学専攻 助教授, 日本語学(現代文法)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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