




The referent of KO series demonstrative in advertisement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzed the elements that can know the referent in the concept of context, focusing on copies of printed advertisements used by KO-series demonstrative. First, in the overall contextual aspect analysis, there were many examples of situational contexts in which the referent could be known by pictures during advertisements, and it was found that [KONO+noun] was mainly used. This is thought to be a photograph of the referent by KO-series demonstrative, who have a usage of referring to the object in front of them. Second, in the context of common knowledge, [konokuni], [konoyo], [konohosi], [konozidai] represents the space or time in which advertisers and consumers exist together, which is thought to have a function of inducing empathy from consumers who watch advertisements. Third, in the formal context, The consumer who are interested in the KO-series read catch-copy, sub-copy, and body copy to know what they instruct, which functions to induce consumers to look closely at the advertisement. Finally, as for the additional context, an example appeared in which the referent could be inferred through the formal context or the situational context. In this way, in the case of speculating the object of instruction through the primary context, the referent is not clear. In other words, it is thought that the additional context functions to focus on advertisements by making the object of instruction unclear.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と本稿の立場
3. 研究の分析概念
3.1 文脈の区分
3.2 印刷広告の構造
4. コ系指示対象の現れ方
4.1 形式文脈
4.2 状況文脈
4.3 共有知識文脈
4.4 付加文脈
5. おわりに


  • 杜英任 두영임. 韓国外国語大学 大学院 博士, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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