


単独動詞と「さし+単独動詞」の意味関係 について


On the Semantic Relationship between the Single Verb and the ‘Sashi + Single Verb’

牟世鍾, 中村有里

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper focused on the single verbs and the compound verbs which can be replace by each other, and compared the meanings of these words according to the types of meanings expressed by the preceding verb ‘sasu’. We clarified there are four major types of meanings of the preceding verb ‘sasu’: (1) something happens that cannot be resisted, (2) to hold out in front of or toward the other party, (3) to indicate or instruct, and (4) to intervene. As for type (1), we considered ‘semaru, sashisemaru’ and ‘sawaru, sashisawaru’, and clarified the meanings of the compound verbs ‘sashi-’ are limited to which have the element “something that cannot be resisted approaches or happens”. As for type (2), we consider ‘noberu, sashinoberu’ and ‘dasu, sashidasu’, and clarified the meanings of the compound verbs ‘sashi-’ are limited to which have the element “in front of or towards the other party”. As for type (3), we consider ‘hiku, sashihiku’, ‘hikaeru, sashihikaeru’, ‘tomeru, sashitomeru’, ‘mukeru, sashimukeru’, and clarified the meanings of the compound verb ‘sashi-’ are limited to which have the elements “indicate a certain object” or “instruct the other party”. As for type (4), we consider ‘hasamu, sashihasamu’ and ‘kaeru, sashikaeru’, and clarified the meanings of the compound verb ‘sashi-’ are limited to which have the elements “break continuity” or “only the inside or between them while keeping the surroundings and before and after as they are”.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究とその検討
3. 前項動詞「さす」の意味
3.1 抗えないことが起こる
3.2 前または相手に向けて出す
3.3 示す、指示する
3.4 中または間に入れる
4. おわりに


  • 牟世鍾 모세종. 仁荷大学校 日本言語文化学科 教授, 日本語學
  • 中村有里 Nakamura, Yuri. 仁川大学校 日本地域文化学科 客員教授, 日本語學・日本語教育


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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