

Environmental Information Technology (EIT)

On the Establishment of LSTM-based Predictive Maintenance Platform to Secure The Operational Reliability of ICT/Cold-Chain Unmanned Storage



Recently, due to the expansion of the logistics industry, demand for logistics automation equipment is increasing. The modern logistics industry is a high-tech industry that combines various technologies. In general, as various technologies are grafted, the complexity of the system increases, and the occurrence rate of defects and failures also increases. As such, it is time for a predictive maintenance model specialized for logistics automation equipment. In this paper, in order to secure the operational reliability of the ICT/Cold-Chain Unmanned Storage, a predictive maintenance system was implemented based on the LSTM model. In this paper, a server for data management, such as collection and monitoring, and an analysis server that notifies the monitoring server through data-based failure and defect analysis are separately distinguished. The predictive maintenance platform presented in this paper works by collecting data and receiving data based on RabbitMQ, loading data in an InMemory method using Redis, and managing snapshot data DB in real time. The predictive maintenance platform can contribute to securing reliability by identifying potential failures and defects that may occur in the operation of the ICT/Cold-Chain Unmanned Storage in the future.


1. Introduction
2. Related works
2.1 Definition of problem
2.2 Procedure of research
3. Predictive maintenance for ICT/Cold-Chain Unmanned Storage
3.1 Long short-term memory
3.2 Predictive maintenance platform
4. Result of research
5. Conclusion


  • Sunwoo Hwang Student, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University
  • Youngmin Kim Professor, Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University


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