

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Establishment of ICT Specialized Teaching-Learning System in the Era of Superintelligence, Super-Connectivity, and Super-Convergence



Joint research on software, electronic engineering, computer engineering, and financial engineering and the use of ICT knowledge through network formation play an important role in strengthening science and technology-based innovation capabilities and facilitating the development and production process of products using new technologies. For the purpose of this study, I would like to strategically propose ICT specialized education in the 4th industrial revolution. To this end, the ICT specialization model, ICT specialization strategy analysis, and ICT specialization operation and effect were explored to establish ICT specialization strategies centered on software, electronic engineering, computer engineering, and financial engineering in the era of super-intelligence, hyper-connected, and hyper-convergence. Secondly, a roadmap for detailed promotion tasks related to efficient ICT characterization based on core strategies, detailed promotion tasks, and programs was proposed, focusing on talent related to ICT characterization. Thirdly, we would like to propose a reorganization of the academic structure and organization related to ICT characterization. Finally, we would like to propose the establishment of a future-oriented education system related to ICT specialization based on the advanced education and research environment.


1. Introduction
2. ICT specialization strategies in the age of superintelligence, superconnection, and superconvergence
2.1. ICT specialization goals
2.2. Analysis of ICT specialization strategies
2.3. ICT specialized operation and effectiveness
3. Roadmap for detailed implementation of ICT characterization
3.1. Essential capabilities for ICT characterization
3.2. Detailed tasks related to ICT characterization
4. Establishment of a future-oriented education system related to ICT specialization
4.1. Reorganization of academic structure and organization related to ICT characterization
4.2. Advanced education and research environment related to ICT specialization
5. Conclusions


  • Seung-Woo LEE Professor, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Seokyeong Univ., Korea
  • Sangwon LEE Professor, Dept. of Computer & Software Engineering, Wonkwang Univ., Korea


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