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Qualitative content analysis of journals of cadaver practice experiences in nursing students



This study attempted to identify the experiences of nursing students' participation in cadaver practice and provide a basis for understanding students' experiences in cadaver practice, which can be reflected in the development of programs for them. By applying the content analysis method according to the guidelines by Krippendorff to analyze the meaning of the experience of participating in cadaver practice among 80 nursing students who participated in cadaver practice at K University in W-si, Gangwon-do, a total of 4 areas, 13 categories, and 25 meaningful statements were derived. The categories included "worried," "surprised," and "fear" in the anxiety domain; "interesting," "knowing," and "focused" in the immersion domain; "value of life," "gratitude and remembrance," "thinking about donation," "facing death," and "precious body" in the reflection domain; and "motivation" and "sense of accomplishment" in the growth domain. The results of this study will help to understand the physical and psychological reactions that nursing students may experience during cadaver practice, and will provide a basis for developing various strategies such as counseling, education, and reflection programs in conjunction with cadaver practice to help nursing students cope with stress, develop a sense of ethical responsibility, and develop a positive self-image as nursing students in order to be successful in cadaver practice. This study is also significant because it provides a basis for preventive program interventions for experiences related to the negative effects of cadaver practice.


1. Introduction
2. Purpose of the study
3. Limitations of the study
4. Research methods
4.1 Research design
4.2 Participants
4.3 Data collection
4.4 Research ethics
4.5 Data analysis
5. Results
5.1 General characteristics of the study participants
5.2 Nursing students' experiences participating in cadaver practicum
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion


  • Hyunjung Lee Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Kyungdong University, Korea


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