

Human-Machine Interaction Technology (HIT)

Ontology Matching Method Based on Word Embedding and Structural Similarity



In a specific domain, experts have different understanding of domain knowledge or different purpose of constructing ontology. These will lead to multiple different ontologies in the domain. This phenomenon is called the ontology heterogeneity. For research fields that require cross-ontology operations such as knowledge fusion and knowledge reasoning, the ontology heterogeneity has caused certain difficulties for research. In this paper, we propose a novel ontology matching model that combines word embedding and a concatenated continuous bag-of-words model. Our goal is to improve word vectors and distinguish the semantic similarity and descriptive associations. Moreover, we make the most of textual and structural information from the ontology and external resources. We represent the ontology as a graph and use the SimRank algorithm to calculate the structural similarity. Our approach employs a similarity queue to achieve one-to-many matching results which provide a wider range of insights for subsequent mining and analysis. This enhances and refines the methodology used in ontology matching.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1 Word2Vec
2.2 Siamese Continuous Bag-of-Words Model
2.3 BERT
2.4 Calculation of Structural Similarity
3. Ontology Matching Method Based on Word Embedding
3.1 Model Overview
3.2 Text Similarity Calculation
3.3 Word Vector Enhancement
3.4 Result Matching
3.5 Structural Similarity Calculation
4. Performance Analysis
4.1 Experimental Datasets
4.2 Experimental Results
5. Conclusion


  • Hongzhou Duan PhD Student, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea
  • Yuxiang Sun Doctor, Software Technology Research Center, Kyungpook National University, Korea
  • Yongju Lee Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea


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