This paper provides a comprehensive overview of UAV classification, tracking, and detection, offering researchers a clear understanding of these fundamental concepts. It elucidates how classification categorizes UAVs based on attributes, how tracking monitors real-time positions, and how detection identifies UAV presence. The interconnectedness of these aspects is highlighted, with detection enhancing tracking and classification aiding in anomaly identification. Moreover, the paper emphasizes the relevance of simulations in the context of drones and UAVs, underscoring their pivotal role in training, testing, and research. By succinctly presenting these core concepts and their practical implications, the paper equips researchers with a solid foundation to comprehend and explore the complexities of UAV operations and the role of simulations in advancing this dynamic field.
1. Introduction
2. UAV Classification Algorithms
3. UAV Tracking Algorithms
4. UAV Detection Algorithms
5. UAV-Simulators and their Applications