

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

On the Data Features for Neighbor Path Selection in Computer Network with Regional Failure



This paper aims to investigate data features for neighbor path selection (NPS) in computer network with regional failures. It is necessary to find an available alternate communication path in advance when regional failures due to earthquakes or forest fires occur simultaneously. We describe previous general heuristics and simulation heuristic to solve the NPS problem in the regional fault network. The data features of general heuristics using proximity and sharing factor and the data features of simulation heuristic using machine learning are explained through examples. Simulation heuristic may be better than general heuristics in terms of communication success. However, additional data features are necessary in order to apply the simulation heuristic to the real environment. We propose novel data features for NPS in computer network with regional failures and Keras modeling for computing the communication success probability of candidate neighbor path.


1. Introduction
2. Data Features of Previous NPS Heuristics in Regional Fault Network
2.1. Related Heuristics for NPS
2.2. Data Features of Simulation Heuristic for NPS
3. Novel Data Features for NPS in Regional Fault Network
4. Conclusions


  • Yong-Jin Lee Professor, Dept. of Technology Education, Korea National University of Education, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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