

Improvements for Efficient Operation of the Fire Safety Experience Center



Through the systematic operation of the experience center through the safety management manual, the awareness of the need to prevent safety accidents, acquire basic knowledge about major disasters, social disasters, and various accidents, and learn how to deal with disasters and accidents has spread. Fire safety education is a device that can prevent unsafe conditions and dangerous behaviors in advance and minimize the damage caused by similar sudden accidents even if they occur, and although there are differences in the experience and need for safety education among people, most people feel the need for fire safety education. Therefore, since the 2000s, ministries such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and Ministry of Employment and Labor have been expanding safety experiential education facilities in specific fields through their affiliated organizations, starting with the Seoul Civil Safety Laboratory. As such, we would like to explore ways to prevent safety accidents caused by duplication of experience contents and inability to deploy specialized personnel due to indiscriminate construction and operation of safety experience education facilities by city, province, and management entity, and to explore ways to systematically and effectively operate them.


Theoretical Discussion on Fire Safety Experience Center
The Importance of Safety Training
Characteristics and Effects of Fire Safety Education
Fire Safety Experience Center Risk Factor Analysis
Research Overview
Safety Accidents by Year and Fire Safety Experience Center
Text Mining Analysis Results
Implications of the Safety Incident Survey Analysis
Enhance Safety at the Experience Center bySecuring Funding and Assigning Specialized Faculty Members
Secure Experience Equipment Maintenance with a Contractor
Refine Experience Center Safety Management through Revision of Relevant Regulations


  • Bo Bae Kim Department of Fire Administration and Disaster Management, Dongeui University, Busan, Korea
  • Myung-Keun Oh Chungbuk National Research Institute, Busan, Korea
  • Hee Young Hwang Department of Public Administration, Dongeui University, Busan, Korea
  • Sang Il Ryu Department of Fire Administration and Disaster Management, Dongeui University, Busan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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