

중국 복합환승센터의 지속가능한 디자인 접근 방식에 관한 연구 - 지붕 시스템을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Sustainable Design Approach of Intermodal Transit Center in China - focused on the Roof System -

리쉬펑, 박용서

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the roof design of the planned station in consideration of the urban environment and climatic characteristics of Hong Kong's West Kowloon Station, Taiyuan Station, and Huhe Haot transfer centers. First, a roof design was implemented as an ecologically integrated system that considers climate characteristics. Second, traditional architecture of China, geographical environment of Hong Kong, and climatic characteristics of Huhehot were reflected in roof openings and eaves details. Third, it is form of a structural roof to facilitate discharge of air entering in summer and winter. A combination of sustainable design strategies was being introduced to meet needs of climate change and urban development, and complex transit centers served as an important link between urban centers in various ways. We hope to use this paper as an important guide to sustainable design to realize harmonization in urban development and environmental protection.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
2. 중국 복합환승센터의 지속 가능한 개발
2.1 중국의 복합환승센터의 개발 배경
2.2 기후적 여건에 순응한 건축 계획의 방향
3. 복합환승센터의 지속 가능한 디자인
3.1 서구룡역의 지속가능한 디자인 접근
3.2 타이위안역의 지속 가능한 디자인 접근
3.3 후허하오터 환승센터의 지속 가능한 디자인 접근
4. 분석의 종합
5. 결론


  • 리쉬펑 Li, Xu-Peng. 경북대학교 대학원 석사수료
  • 박용서 Park, Yong-Seo. 경북대학교 건축학부 정교수, 건축학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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