

부산형 도시재생사업의 거점시설 운영 특성 분석 - 부산 행복마을 만들기 사업을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Operational Characteristics of Core Facilities in Busan-type Urban Regeneration Projects - Focused on the “Making Happy Village Project in Busan” -

강혜원, 우신구



One of the key projects of the Busan-style Urban Regeneration Project, the Making Happy Village Project, is the Happiness Center created as core facility for each village, which are having difficulties to operate after the end of the projects. By surveying the Happiness Center, the participating community and programs provided, this study have found the background conditions and reasons for the operational difficulties as followings. First, Busan's urban regeneration projects which started in 2010 before the implementation of the Urban Regeneration Law in 2013 was an opportunity to present a new model of urban regeneration like Making Happy Village project and Sanbokdoro Renaissance project. Second, as the core facility of Making Happy Village project, Happiness Centers had been constructed and operated before or after the empowerment of local residents with the paradigmatic shift of urban regeneration policy of Busan City. Third, to find out the difficulties concerned with the operation of Happiness Centers, this study surveyed the programs provided by them and found four types of community, profit, hobby·education, and sharing·volunteer. Fourth, different type of program is found to attract different age group of local people, like the profit-oriented programs for age group of 40s, hobby·education-oriented programs for all age groups and sharing·volunteer-oriented programs for the age groups 50s and 60s. Fifth, the emphasis on the self-supporting operation of Happiness Center by local people had been followed by over-emphasis on the profit-oriented program and small number of active participating locals which have prevented wide variety of participation and program.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
1.3 선행연구와 차별성
2. 부산시 도시재생사업의 추진과정
2.1 부산형 도시재생의 태동과 진행
2.2 행복마을 개요와 추진방식
3. 행복센터 현황 및 분석의 틀 설정
3.1 행복센터의 현황
3.2 행복센터 운영 분석의 틀
4. 행복센터 운영 특성 분석
4.1. 행복센터와 프로그램 분석
4.2. 행복센터와 주민공동체 분석
4.3. 행복센터의 운영과 수익 프로그램
5. 결론


  • 강혜원 Kang, Hye Won. 부산대학교 건축학과 공학박사
  • 우신구 Woo, Shin Koo. 부산대학교 건축학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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