

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Study on the Health Changes of Students in Long-Term Online Classes due to COVID-19



The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the educational landscape for students across the globe, leading to a shift towards long-term online learning. This study aims to examine the changes in the health status of college and university students before and after the transition to online classes. We conducted a survey questionnaire among 200 students enrolled at K University in Gangwon-do, including participants from both the Department of Visual Optics and the Department of Physical Therapy. The survey employed a 5-point Likert scale to evaluate a range of health-related factors, including physical and mental well-being, alterations in lifestyle, and academic performance. Both male and female students experienced a decline in physical strength and exercise during the online class period, while mental health and overall happiness showed improvement, particularly among female students. Notable shifts in lifestyle emerged, including an increased usage of electronic devices and enhanced familial connections. The study also shed light on intriguing trends related to academic accomplishments and adherence to official quarantine guidelines. In sum, the findings of this study offer valuable foundational information for the maintenance of students' well-being during online learning, as well as the development of effective strategies for online education in future academic settings.


1. Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Changes in Physical Health perceived by Self-assessment
3.2 Change in Mental Health perceived through Self-assessment
3.3 Self-perceived Changes in Lifestyle
3.4 Change of Academic Achievement
3.5 Students’ Cognition for COVID-19
4. Conclusion


  • Seon Ahr Cho Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Optics, Kyungdong Univ., Korea
  • Hong Chul Chae Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Kyungdong Univ., Korea
  • Jun Sik Min Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Kyungdong Univ., Korea
  • Seong Jae Lee Professor, Department of liberal arts education, Kyungdong Univ., Korea


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