



Probe into the Cause of Formation of Zhuxi's Officialdom Based on Tokugawa Shogunate System


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zhuism was subordinated to Buddhism before the Edo period, but with the establishment of the shogunate system, Zhuism was separated from Buddhism and became an official thought. Judging from the structural characteristics of the regime, the Shogunate system has its distinctive uniqueness. It not only maintained the most typical and traditional cultural characteristics of Japan, but also fused the cultural characteristics of Japanese martial arts for more than 700 years, realizing the dualpolitics of spiritual authority and military authority, but also created the centralization and decentralization of power,which were different from both the unified rule of ancient China and the complete decentralization of power in ancient Europe. But within this powerful system of feudal domination lay a series of intractable contradictions:the conflict between the Shogun and the Emperor、the paradox of the multiplicity of shogun-daimyo-samurai, etc.These contradictions are no longer confrontational contradictions solved by force, but transformed into feudal ethical and moral problems such as the king and the subject, the upper and lower levels, and the father and the son, so the solution is also transformed from force into ideological weapons. And Zhuism‘s thought, which reflects the king, the minister, the father, the father and the son, just becomes the best ideological weapon to solve the contradictions under the feudal system.With the support of the shogunate, it got rid of the idea of the unity of Confucianism and Buddhism in the Shogunate state, established the inherent position of Zhuism and finally moved towards the official school of Zhuism. It harmonized the contradictions between the general and the emperor under the Shogunate system, and played an important role in the ideological fortress for the establishment and consolidation of the Shogunate state.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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