

후성유전학 시계를 통해 감지될 수 있는 양극성 장애의 메틸화 변화


Methylation Changes in Bipolar Disorder that can be detected through The Epigenetic Clock

정연오, 조광원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood and behavioral swings, such as highs of euphoria and lows of depression. It is a socially significant disorder in which people with the disorder experience intense mood swings and, for those with severe bipolar disorder, it is even difficult leading a normal life. High stress levels in people with mental illness can lead to neuroendocrine disruption, and it is strongly linked to aging. When the neuroendocrine system becomes vulnerable to these mental illnesses and stress, it is likely to accelerate aging. And it's the epigenetic clock that can measure the extent of this accelerated aging. The Epi clock, a pan tissue clock, measures aging through DNA methylation, and the degree of methylation is modified and changed by environmental conditions in the body. Therefore we wanted to check the changes in the epigenetic age of the patients with bipolar disorder. While we found no significant differences in epigenetic age, we did confirm the possibility that people with bipolar disorder have different methylation than normal people. We also found that the EPIC array data fit better on the Epi clock than on the Horvath clock with age-accelerated data from normal people.


1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
2.1. GEO data 수집
2.2. GEO data 세부사항
2.3. Horvath clock과 Epi clock의 이용
2.4. 통계 처리 및 도식화
3. 결과
3.1. Horvath clock에서 Bipolar disorder 나이 가속도 변화
3.2. Epi clock에서 Bipolar disorder 나이가속도 변화
3.3. Horvath clock과 Epi clock에서의 적합도
4. 고찰


  • 정연오 Yeon-Oh Jeong. 조선대학교 생명과학과
  • 조광원 Gwang-Won Cho. 조선대학교 생명과학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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