This study examined the patterns of servant ownership in the Choi family of Ijo-ri, Gyeongju based on their Hogudanja. The study first examined the distribution of households in terms of members and their numbers by the period with a focus on the main household family, collateral families, and subordinates. The number of members in the main household family spanned from two to maximum eight. They were recorded on the Hogudanja after they reached a certain age. No daughters were recorded on the Hogudanja while daughter-in-laws were consistently recorded in it. Grown-up sons that were married did not establish a new household and instead remained in the households of their fathers until they inherited them, and this practice did not follow the statutory regulations. Collateral families hardly appeared in the Hogudanja until 1858, and up to six members of a collateral family were recorded in the Hogudanja since then. This change happened specifically in 1867, when the family of a deceased younger brother and the couple of a younger male cousin were registered in the Hogudanja of the family. Three households that were supposed to establish an independent household were registered under a single household. The number of subordinates except for servants such as Noyangcheos and Bibus was small. Noyangcheos disappeared in 1732 except for the old Hansancheo that had been a Yangcheo for many years before the year. In 1732, the old six Noyangcheos were gone with no Noyangcheos appearing. It is clearly due to the influence of the Noyangcheo Sosaengjongryang Act in 1731. The study then examined the changing patterns of servants by the number and period. The number of servants in the family peaked at 85 in 1687, repeated a small rise and fall pattern until 1813, and began a gradual downward trend since then. The family owned 41 servants in 1813, and the number was less than half the number of the family's servants in 1687. The number of servants in the family made a sharp drop after 1822. The number of resident servants in the family peaked at 40 in 1732, underwent fluctuations around 20, and dropped to under ten in 1789. Although the number of resident servants was 12 over then in 1825, the number never climbed over five since. These findings show a considerable reduction in the number of servants in the 19th century. There were several causes behind this reduction including omission from the family register, death, and escape. In the 18th century, a good number of servants ran away from the family, having huge impacts on the reduction of servants in the family. At one time, the family tried to secure a proper number of servants by purchasing them at a bargain, but the outcome was poor. There is a need to focus on the collapse of the servant reproduction structure as a cause behind the reduced number of servants even though it was not clearly revealed in the Hogudanja. The family had as many as 47 resident servants in 1783 ~ 1894, but it was an extremely rare case that their children became a servant, too. It became common for servants to run away or for resident servants to turn into out-resident servants in the family, but the number of the family's servants made a rapid decrease especially in the 19th century due to the suspended expansion and reproduction of such hereditary servants.
본 글은 호구단자를 통해 경주 이조리 최씨 가문의 노비 소유의 양상을 살펴본 것이다. 먼저 호의 구성원과 인원수의 시기별 분포를 주호가족, 방 계가족, 예속인을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 주호가족의 인원수는 2명에서 최대 8명까지였다. 방계가족은 1858년까지는 거의 기재되지 않다가 1867년에는 6명이나 호적대장에서 확인된다. 하나의 독립호를 구성해야 할 3가구가 하 나의 호로 등재된 결과이다. 노비를 제외한 예속인은 奴良妻, 婢夫등이 있 는데, 그 수는 소수에 지나지 않았다. 다음으로 시기별 노비수의 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 노비수는 1687년에 85명으로 가장 많은 수를 보이다가 1813년까지 약간의 등락을 반복하다가 서서히 감소하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 1813년에는 41명의 노비가 확인되는 데, 이 노비수는 1687년의 절반에도 미치지 못하는 수였다. 노비수는 1822 년 이후 급격한 감소를 보이고 있다. 이 가문의 솔노비는 1732년 최대 40명이었다가 20명선으로 등락을 거듭 하다가 1789년부터 10명 이하로 줄어든다. 비록 1825년에 12명으로 10명을 넘긴 해도 확인되지만, 1840년부터는 5명을 넘지 못하고 있다. 실제 노비수 가 19세기에 와서 대폭 감소하고 있었던 것이다. 노비의 감소 원인은 우선 호적 누락, 사망, 도망 등으로 보인다. 특히 18세기 다수의 도망노비가 발생 한 것이 노비 감소에 큰 영향을 미쳤을 것이다. 이 가문은 한 때 매득을 통 해 노비를 확보하려고 노력했으나, 그 결과는 미미했다. 호구단자에서 명 확히 드러나지는 않지만 노비수의 감소 원인 중 주목해봐야 할 부분은 세 전노비에 의한 노비의 재생산 구조가 붕괴되었기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 1783년부터 1894년까지 이 가문에서 확인되는 솔노비수는 모두 47명이나 되었지만, 노비의 자식이 다시 노비가 되는 경우는 극히 드물었다.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 자료 소개
Ⅲ. 戶의 구성원과 인원수
Ⅳ. 노비의 구성 및 분포
Ⅴ. 맺음말
<참고 문헌>