

당 태종 시기 과거제도의 고찰


A Study on Imperial Examination System in Emperor Taizong of Tang


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Tang Dynasty marks a golden era of cultural growth in Chinese history, with the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang marking the golden era of the dynasty. This era serves as the foundation for the subsequent advancement of Chinese culture and education. The prosperity of the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang is attributed to the presence of numerous talented individuals. Understanding the talent selection process in the Tang Dynasty provides insight into the culture of the dynasty. The imperial examination system, the longest-lasting and most widely influential talent selection system in China's feudal society, represents the most prominent system in the Tang Dynasty and has a significant impact on other East Asian countries. During its existing period of over 1300 years, the first significant stage of its development took place during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang. This paper investigates the imperial examination system during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang in ancient China. The imperial examination system is an integral part of selecting talented individuals for government official posts and lasted for over a thousand years. The paper categorizes the imperial examination system into two types: regular examinations and imperial examinations. The examination process includes qualification, examination methods and content, and evaluation criteria. The relationship between the school system and the imperial examination system during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang is also explored. School education influenced the disciplines of the imperial examination system, while the imperial examination system also restrained the aristocratic trend in school education. This paper highlights the characteristics of the imperial examination system, such as its openness, fairness, and objectivity, as well as its historical limitations. The study of the imperial examination system during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang aims to provide insights for the reform of the current examination system in China.


1. 서론
2. 당 태종 시기의 사회적 배경
2.1 정치적 안정과 경제 성장
2.2 유학의 번성과 문교(文教)의 발전
3. 당 태종 시기의 과거제도
3.1 당 태종 시기 과거제도의 종류
3.2 당 태종 시기 과거제도의 운영
3.3 당 태종 시기 과거제도와 학교제도의 관계
4. 결론


  • 원진 Yuan, Zhen. 부산대학교 교육학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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