

Research on User Perception Evaluation with Mobile Payment Platforms Based on Big Data


Park, Su-Jin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



User perception of mobile payment platforms is an important indicator for the development of the payment industry. The use of big data technology can provide a more scientific and objective understanding of payment users' perceptions, as well as valuable insights into studying their needs and behaviors. This can help mobile payment organizations objectively and efficiently monitor user perception and provide targeted strategies and suggestions for improvement and enhancement. Ultimately, this can lead to the sustained and rapid development of user perception of mobile payment platforms. In this research, comment data from the top three online payment platform websites was collected using Python technology. The collected data was then analyzed using the ROST Content Mining software. A word cloud map was used to display the most commonly used words, with the goal of evaluating user perception of three popular mobile payment platforms using big data technology. The results show that users have a negative attitude towards the PayPal payment platform, with an emotional score of -6.8. For the Samsung Pay platform, there is a positive emotional score of .65. Alipay has the highest emotional score, which is .87. Future research directions and suggestions for studying user perception of mobile payment platforms are provided, considering the profound integration of the mobile payment market and consumer behavior research, as well as advancements in artificial intelligence technology.


I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
1. Mobile Payment Platforms
2. User Perception
3. Network Text Analysis
III. Research Method
1. Overview of Research Subjects
2. Data Collection
3. Analysis Method
IV. Research Conclusion
1. PayPal
2. Samsung Pay
3. Alipay
V. Discussion and Suggestions
VI. Limitations and Future Directions


  • Park, Su-Jin Lecturer/Ph. D., Student, Department of Global Business, Kyonggi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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