

Original Research

Effects of Fast Neutron Irradiation on Switching of Silicon Bipolar Junction Transistor


Sung Ho Ahn, Gwang Min Sun

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: When bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are used as switches, their switching characteristics can be deteriorated because the recombination time of the minority carriers is long during turn-off transient. When BJTs operate as low frequency switches, the power dissipation in the on-state is large. However, when BJTs operate as high frequency switches, the power dissipation during switching transients increases rapidly. Materials and Methods: When silicon (Si) BJTs are irradiated by fast neutrons, defects occur in the Si bulk, shortening the lifetime of the minority carriers. Fast neutron irradiation mainly creates displacement damage in the Si bulk rather than a total ionization dose effect. Defects caused by fast neutron irradiation shorten the lifetime of minority carriers of BJTs. Furthermore, these defects change the switching characteristics of BJTs. Results and Discussion: In this study, experimental results on the switching characteristics of a pnp Si BJT before and after fast neutron irradiation are presented. The results show that the switching characteristics are improved by fast neutron irradiation, but power dissipation in the on-state is large when the fast neutrons are irradiated excessively. Conclusion: The switching characteristics of a pnp Si BJT were improved by fast neutron irradiation.


Materials and Methods
1. Switching Characteristics of BJT
2. Fast Neutron Irradiation Effects
3. Experimental Setup
Results and Discussion
1. Switching Characteristics
2. Power Dissipation
3. Switching Characteristics upon Excessive Irradiation
Conflict of Interest
Ethical Statement
Author Contribution


  • Sung Ho Ahn Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
  • Gwang Min Sun Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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