


The Identification, Diagnosis, Prospective, and Action (IDPA) Method for Facilitating Dialogue between Stakeholders : Application to the Radiological Protection Domain


Jacques Lochard, Win Thu Zar, Michiaki Kai, Ryoko Ando

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article reviews the experience of applying the Identification, Diagnosis, Prospective, and Action (IDPA) facilitating method as a means of promoting practices of dialogue between stakeholders in the radiological protection field. After presenting the characteristics of the IDPA method and its ability to promote active listening, participation, and dialogue among stakeholders facing complex situations, as well as the procedural aspects associated with its practical implementation, the article describes three examples of the application of the method in the field of radiological protection. The first one presents how the IDPA method supported a debate among decision-makers, authorities, experts, professionals, and representatives of non-governmental organizations about how to engage stakeholders in radiological protection. The second example presents how the IDPA method was used in a series of dialogue meetings to explore the challenges of the post-nuclear accident situation resulting from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The third one presents the application of the method in the context of a training course organized by Nagasaki University in the affected area close to the damaged plant. Experience has shown that the IDPA method makes it possible to develop responses to problems posed in very different contexts and, in many cases, to find compromises regarding their solutions. The IDPA method has the merit of allowing each of the participants to better understand the situation they are faced with, even if such a positive result is not always achieved.


Presentation of the IDPA Method
1. Background and Objective
2. Procedural Aspects of Implementing the Method
The Applications of the IDPA Method in the Field of Radiological Protection
1. The Salamanca Workshop
2. The Fukushima Dialogues
3. The Training of Future Professionals
Conflict of Interest
Ethical Statement
Author Contribution


  • Jacques Lochard Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  • Win Thu Zar 2Department of Global Health, Medicine, and Welfare, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan
  • Michiaki Kai Department of Health Sciences, Nippon Bunri University, Oita, Japan
  • Ryoko Ando NPO Fukushima Dialogue, Iwaki, Japan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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