

‘부정적 역량’ 훈련을 위한 교본 텍스트 — 르우벤 추르의 인지 시학으로 분석한 베케트의 『잘 못 보이고 잘 못 말해진』에 대한 초기 비평


The Beckettian Text as Training Material for the Cultivation of “Negative Capability” : The Initial Critical Response to Ill Seen Ill Said Analyzed by Reuven Tsur’s Cognitive Poetics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to examine what critical reading endowed with “negative capability” is by analyzing the initial critical response to Samuel Beckett’s late prose work Ill Seen Ill Said through the concept of “the implied critic’s decision style” coming from Reuven Tsur’s cognitive poetics. ‘Negative capability,’ as originally formulated by the English poet John Keats, refers to the capability of “being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts” or to the “ability to make up one’s mind about nothing” without irritably “reaching after fact and reason.” This study first introduces Tsur’s comparative analysis of Eva Metman’s and Günther Anders’s readings of Waiting for Godot, which are presented as two cases exhibiting different degrees of ‘negative capability.’ Tsur’s analysis shows that Anders’s reading, characterized by internal motivation, an operational definition with a highly descriptive content, and active shifts in mental set, exhibits a higher degree of ‘negative capability’ than does Metman’s reading, which is characterized by external evidence, a dependence on theoretical assumptions, and an unwillingness to shift mental set. In a similar fashion, the study goes on to analyze two initial critical readings of Ill Seen Ill Said respectively carried out by Marjorie Perloff and Nicholas Zurbrugg. The analysis finds that Zurbrugg’s reading features a higher degree of ‘negative capability,’ in that it more deeply explores the complex interrelationships between the stylistic characteristics and the semantic aspects of the work, than does Perloff’s reading, which, while specifically analyzing the stylistic characteristics of the work, ends up integrating such an analysis into her broader discussion of the cultural standing of contemporary poetry. The study concludes by pointing out the importance that the cultivation of ‘negative capability’ has for the development of an individual’s personality from an immature ‘ego’ to a mature ‘self’ in psychological and pedagogical contexts, a good close reading can contribute to such cultivation in students performing a non-professional type of literary criticism in secondary or higher education.


Ⅰ. 서론: 작품해석의 ‘확실성을 추구하는’ 두 방식의갈등으로서의 펠드만-다우드 논쟁
Ⅱ. 추르의 인지 시학과 ‘내포된 비평가의 판단 스타일’
Ⅲ. 「고도를 기다리며」를 읽는 비평가의‘부정적 역량’에 따른 두 가지 독법
Ⅳ. 부정적 역량을 동원한『잘 못 보이고 잘 못 말해진』읽기
Ⅴ. 결론: ‘부정적 역량’ 함양의 교육학적 함의와 그 중요성


  • 이주엽 Jooyeup Lee. 부산대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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