

Implementation of the Patient Management Information System by Ghana Healthcare Services


Allotey Kevin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is critical that information be gathered, handled, and kept in a systematic manner that preserves its integrity and authenticity. Record management procedures are rapidly being recognized as a crucial business practice that assists businesses in establishing and validating their business dealings and related activities. The purpose and essence of any records management system is to provide the right information in the right place, in the right order, and at the right time for the right person at the lowest cost, which is better achieved with a computer-based system. Patient Management Information Systems (PMISs) are designed to manage the information of patients in the hospital and service processes. In Ghana, despite the importance of medical records, most hospitals still use the manual system of patient record management, resulting in poor record management practice, meaning a lack of effective systems for opening, tracking, and indexing files, which have many limitations for proper healthcare. In this study, the SWOT analysis method was used to assess the readiness of Ghana’s healthcare services to implement a patient management information system for healthcare delivery.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Record Management
2.2 Information Technology in Record Management
2.3 About SWOT Analysis
3. Introduction to Ghana Health Service
3.1 Overview of Ghana Health System
3.2 Implementation of PMIS by Ghana Health Service: A SWOT Analysis
4. Conclusion and Implication
4.1. Direction for the Implementation of PMIS
5. References


  • Allotey Kevin School of Business, Yeungnam University, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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