


장기간 고온에 노출된 방사관의 열응력 및 열변형에 관한 유한요소법 해석


Finite Element Method of Thermal Stress and Deformation of Radiant Tube Under High Temperature

최락준 , 김필 , 김량균

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Radiant tubes heat exchangers are critical components that facilitate the heat transfer process to steel in an annealing furnace, and it addresses several engineering problems, such as thermal stress and mechanical failure due to long-term thermal cycling, which can significantly affect the longevity of the tubes and maintenance requirements. In this study, we used commercial software (ANSYS) to simulate the thermal stress and deformation of radiant tubes subjected to extreme thermal conditions and pressure loads. We evaluated both thermally induced deformation and creep deformation, which is a time-dependent deformation under constant stress over the long term. The results showed that uneven temperature conditions and pressure loads lead to significant deformation and potential failures. To mitigate these engineering challenges, we also tested several designs that include supporting brackets. This study provides valuable insights for designing radiant tube heat exchangers in annealing furnaces to extend their lifespan and ensure system safety.


1. 서론
2. 수치해석 준비
2.1 형상 및 경계 조건
2.2 Creep model (크리프 모델)
2.3 격자 생성 및 대조군 형상
3. 결과 및 분석
3.1 기본형상 결과 분석
3.2 대조군 결과 분석
4. 결론


  • 최락준 Rak-Jun Choi . Kyungpook National University
  • 김필 Phil Kim. Pusan National University
  • 김량균 Ryang-Gyoon Kim . Research Instiute of Science Technology, Pohang
  • Member, Kyungpook National University, Assistant Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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