


소형항공기 3엽 나무 재질 프로펠러의 소음 및 추력 평가


Noise and Thrust Evaluation of LSA Aircraft 3-Blade Wooden Propellers

김재필, 류종현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Aircraft noise is something humans don't want. In this study, based on the Rotax 914 engine used in Korea, the propeller blade angle was changed by 1 degree and the engine RPM was changed to review the three-wing “G Company” propeller and the three-wing GSC wooden propeller. Select the best propeller pitch angle by measuring the change in propeller noise and thrust and the change in engine RPM due to the change in noise and thrust. We would like to present a propeller pitch angle suitable for the location of the airfield and the operation of the aircraft. Based on this, we would like to help resolve noise complaints around the airfiled.


1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 엔진 및 프로펠러
2.2 소음측정 방법
2.3 소음측정 결과 분석
2.5 추력 측정 및 분석
3. 결론


  • 김재필 Jae-Pil Kim . Member, Kyungwoon University of Aero Mechnical Engineering, Professor
  • 류종현 Jong-Hyeon Ryu . Kyungwoon University of Flight Operation, Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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