

IT Marketing and Policy

Research on the evaluation model for the impact of AI services



This study aims to propose a framework for evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) services, based on the concept of AI service impact. It also suggests a model for evaluating this impact and identifies relevant factors and measurement approaches for each item of the model. The study classifies the impact of AI services into five categories: ethics, safety and reliability, compliance, user rights, and environmental friendliness. It discusses these five categories from a broad perspective and provides 21 detailed factors for evaluating each category.In terms of ethics, the study introduces three additional factors—accessibility, openness, and fairness— to the ten items initially developed by KISDI. In the safety and reliability category, the study excludes factors such as dependability, policy, compliance, and awareness improvement as they can be better addressed from a technical perspective. The compliance category includes factors such as human rights protection, privacy protection, non-infringement, publicness, accountability, safety, transparency, policy compliance, and explainability.For the user rights category, the study excludes factors such as publicness, data management, policy compliance, awareness improvement, recoverability, openness, and accuracy. The environmental friendliness category encompasses diversity, publicness, dependability, transparency, awareness improvement, recoverability, and openness.This study lays the foundation for further related research and contributes to the establishment of relevant policies by establishing a model for evaluating the impact of AI services. Future research is required to assess the validity of the developed indicators and provide specific evaluation items for practical use, based on expert evaluations.


1.1 AI Service Impact
1.2 The legal aspect of the impact of AI services
1.3. The impact of AI services from the perspective of influence
1.4. The impact of AI services from the perspective of objectives
1.5 Examples of evaluating the impact of AI services
3.1. Derivation of AI service evaluation indicators
3.2. Domains for evaluating the impact of AI services
3.3 Evaluation Factors
4.1. Discussion
4.2. Key Points and Limitations


  • Soonduck Yoo Professor, Business department, Hansei University, Seoul, Korea


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