

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Classification of Behavioral Lexicon and Definition of Upper, Lower Body Structures in Animation Character



This study focuses on the behavioural lexical classification for extracting animation character actions and the analysis of the character’s upper and lower body movements. The behaviour and state of characters in the animation industry are crucial, and digital technology is enhancing the industry’s value. However, research on animation motion application technology and behavioural lexical classification is still lacking. Therefore, this study aims to classify the predicates enabling animation motion, differentiate the upper and lower body movements of characters, and apply the behavioural lexicon's motion data. The necessity of this research lies in the potential contributions of advanced character motion technology to various industrial fields, and the use of the behavioural lexicon to elucidate and repurpose character motion. The research method applies a grammatical, behavioural, and semantic predicate classification and behavioural motion analysis based on the character’s upper and lower body movements.


1. Introduction
2. Related studies
2.1 Character Animation
2.2 Linguistics and Lexical Classification
2.3 Behavioral Lexicon and Animation Actions
3. Theoretical Background
3.1 Korean Linguistic Behavior
3.2 Predicates and Behavioral Lexicon
3.3 Categorization of Behavioral Lexicon
3.4 Behavioral Lexicon and Mediation of Actions
4. Categorization of Behavioral Lexicon
4.1 Grammatical Classification
4.2 Behavioral Classification
4.3 Semantic Classification
4.4 Classification and Application of Upper, Lower Body in Character Structure
4.5 Cross-Application and Utilization Methods of Motion Capture Data
5. Conclusion and Suggestions


  • Hongsik Pak Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Graduate School, Dongseo University, Korea
  • Suhyeon Choi Ph.D. candidate, Department of Design, Pusan National University, Korea
  • Taegu Lee Professor, Department of Design, Pusan National University, Korea


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