

부모의 학업성취압력과 초등학교 6학년생의 진로성숙도 간 관계 - 자아존중감과 또래애착의 순차적 매개효과 -


The Relationship Between Parental Pressure of Academic Achievement and 6th graders' Career Maturity - The Sequential Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Peer Attachment -




This study aims to verify the simple mediating effects and sequential dual mediating effects of the self-esteem and peer attachment in the relationship between parental pressure of academic achievement and career maturity. The participants were 1,359 6th graders from the Panel Study on Korean Children. This study analyzed the 13th wave Panel data(2020) by using SPSS and PROCESS macro model 6. The current study employed descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and mediating effect analysis. Results are as follows: Self-esteem and peer attachment showed a indirect effect in the relationship between parental pressure of academic achievement and 6th graders’ career maturity. Also, in the relationship between parental pressure of academic achievement and 6th graders’ career maturity, self-esteem and peer attachment showed sequential mediating effects. These findings suggest that interventions to enhance 6th graders’ career maturity need to focus on improving pressure on academic achievement of parents, students’ self-esteem and peer attachment.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구자료
2. 연구도구
3. 자료분석
Ⅲ. 연구결과
1. 기술통계 및 상관관계 분석
2. 매개효과 및 간접효과 검증
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론


  • 김태은 Kim, Tae-eun. 한양사이버대학교 아동학과 교수


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