


2000DA 저분자콜라겐 함유하는 화장품이 피부 보습과 상태 변화에 미치는 효과


The Influence of 2000DA Low-molecular-weight Collagen Cosmetics on Skin Conditions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to investigate the influence of cosmetics containing hydrolyzed collagen protein ‘2000DA low-molecular-weight collagen (LMWC)’ on skin through a human study. A total of 24 participants (12: control group, 12: experimental group) were tested by a double-blind test. The products (3 LMWC-free cosmetic products for the control group, 3 different products with 1% LMWC for the experimental group) were applied in the morning and in the evening every day over 6 weeks. Then, changes in skin conditions were examined. In the control group, no statistically significant change was found in terms of pore index, facial wrinkle index, coarseness index, UV pigmentation index, redness index, sebum index and moisture index. In the experimental group, the coarseness index decreased while the moisture index increased with statistical significance. However, no significant change was observed in pore index, facial wrinkle index, UV pigmentation index, redness index and sebum index. The above results confirm that 2000DA LMWC is valuable as a cosmetic ingredient which protects skin from external aggressors and keeps it moist by maintaining a skin barrier and enhancing skin coarseness.


本研究采用化妆品人体适用试验, 研究了含有胶原蛋白水解的2000DA低分子胶原蛋白的化妆 品对皮肤的效果. 本研究参与人员共24人, 对照组12人, 实验组12人, 并采用中盲检查法进 行实验, 对照组使用3种低分子胶原蛋白无添加化妆品, 实验组则使用3种添加1%低分子胶原 蛋白化妆品, 每天早晚, 持续使用6周, 并观察了使用前, 后的皮肤状态的变化 , 结果显示, 对照组的皮肤毛孔指数, 面部整体皱纹指数, 皮肤粗糙度指数, UV色素沉着指数, 红晕指数, 油分指数, 水分指数均未出现显著的变化 , 实验组皮肤毛孔指数, 面部整体皱纹指数, UV色素沉着指数, 红晕指数, 油分指数也未出现显著的变化, 但皮肤粗糙度指数出现显著下降, 皮肤水分指数显著增加 , 由此􎨳可以推断, 2000DA低分子胶原蛋白化妆品原料可以增加 皮肤保湿度, 改善皮肤粗糙度,并且因置于皮肤最外角, 有助于维持皮肤水分, 能够起到保 护皮肤免受外界侵害的作用, 是一种有助于维持皮肤屏障功能的化妆品原料.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 피부노화
2. 콜라겐
III. 연구방법
1. 연구설계
2. 화장품 임상 연구대상자 선정
3. 피부 측정방법 및 피부분석 방법
4. 연구재료
5. 통계처리
IV. 연구결과
1. 집단간 피부상태의 사전 동질성 검증
2. 모공지수의 변화
3. 얼굴 전체 주름지수의 변화
4. 피부 거칠기지수의 변화
5. UV색소침착지수의 변화
6. 홍조의 변화
7. 유분의 변화
8. 수분의 변화
V. 고찰
Ⅵ. 결론


  • 김경연 Kim Kyung Yun. 동명대학교 뷰티산업학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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