

중세국어 ‘다’류 동등비교구문의 정도성 표현 연구 - ‘이’형 구문과 ‘과’형 구문을 중심으로


A Study on the Expression of Degree in ‘ 다 ’-Type Equal Comparison Constructions in Middle Korean - With a Focus on the ‘이’-type and ‘과’-type Constructions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the syntactic and semantic functions of the ‘[object of comparison]-이 [criterion of comparison]-이  다 ’ and ‘[object of comparison] -이 [criterion of comparison]-과  다 ’ constructions through the analysis of specific examples in Middle Korean and discussed the form differences between the two comparison constructions derived from the perceptions of people using the language to distinguish the degree of equality linguistically. The study first demonstrated that the ‘[object of comparison]-이 [criterion of comparison]-이  다 ’ construction unique to Middle Korean was a linguistic form to show the partial(conditional) agreement of comparison criteria for the object of comparison. The semantic function of "figure of speech" is a subordinate concept of "comparison," expressing an object of comparison by alluding to the partial attributes of comparison criteria. The study thus estimated that the ‘[object of comparison]-이 [criterion of comparison]-이  다 ’ construction settled down as the most proper form for figure of speech. The study also demonstrated through the analysis of various examples that the ‘[object of comparison]-이 [criterion of comparison]-과  다 ’ construction showed the typical characteristics of complete agreement between on object of comparison and a criterion of comparison.


1. 서론
2. ‘  다’류 구문 유형 검토
2.1. 선행 연구 검토 및 제안
2.2. ‘[비교대상]-이 [비교기준]-이  다 ’ 구문
2.3. ‘[비교대상]-이 [비교기준]-과  다 ’ 구문
3. ‘  다’류 동등비교구문의 정도성 표현
3.1. 부분 일치 구문
3.2. 완전 일치 구문
4. 결론


  • 윤보영 Boyoung Yoon. 신라대학교/초빙조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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