

한·중 문화 갈등과 문화용어 번역에 관한 소고 - 단오와 김치 논쟁을 중심으로


A Study on the Korean-Chinese Cultural Conflict and Translation of Cultural Terminologies : Focusing on Controversy over Dano and Kimchi.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Among the numerous points of cultural tension between Korea and China, controversies over Korea’s traditional festival Dano and traditional food Kimchi have been notably salient. On the topic of this controversy, this study found that while the two nation’s shared used of Chinese characters and history of Confucian culture have resulted in some useful linguistic and cultural similarities and analogues, they may in fact be a cause of disadvantage in translating cultural terminologies. That is, these similarities may cause misunderstanding when translators fall into the trap of pseudo-equivalent words (faux amis) or when they are unaware of cultural differences. Against the theoretical background of B. Brecht’s epic theater and alienation effect, this study suggests perspectives and strategies for the translation of cultural terminologies that objectively perceives and respects cultural differences between the two countries. This study also proposes specific translation strategies according to the type of cultural terminology, giving more weight to the adequacy of source texts than the acceptability of target texts; to the fidelity to ST than to the readability of TT in translating Korean-Chinese cultural terminologies. Above all, this study emphasizes the vital importance of translators’ sensitivities to cultural differences and deep understanding of the two cultures.


1. 서론
2. 연구 배경 및 이론적 검토
2.1. 한·중 문화 갈등
2.1.1. 단오 논쟁
2.1.2. 김치 논쟁
2.2. 한·중 문화용어 번역
2.3. 브레히트의 생소화(Verfremdung)효과
3. 한·중 문화용어 번역
3.1. 한·중 문화용어 번역의 특수성
3.1.1. 한자문화권과 유교문화권이라는 양날의 검
3.1.2. 표의문자인 한자의 특성으로 인한 음역의 어려움
3.2. 한·중 문화용어 번역에 대한 관점
3.3. 한·중 문화용어 번역전략
4. 결론 및 논의


  • 장애리 Chang, Ai-Li. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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