Development of an Infection Control Assessment Tool for Infectious Respiratory Disease
Objective : This study was conducted to develop an assessment tool for infection control activities to prevent infectious respiratory diseases in the general public aged 19 years and above. Measuring infection control activities in daily life activities has the advantages of improving personal hygiene, preventing respiratory infections and their transmission, and enabling early recognition of infectious diseases and rapid response to them to prevent their spread to local communities, which would reduce fear of respiratory infectious diseases socially and would contribute to the improvement of public health and quality of life. We felt the need to develop a tool for assessing infection control activities, including the areas of contact management and community restriction, by addressing the problems that existed in previous studies and reflecting the rapidly changing current environment. Method : From May 2022 to July 2022, previous studies were analyzed to come up with items that must be included in the assessment tool. After the preliminary assessment items were prepared through the first professional focus group meeting with three nurses, one professor, and one doctor who specialized in infection control, the importance and the frequency of performance of the assessment were investigated. Then through the second professional focus group meeting, similar functions and simultaneously performed activities were investigated to select the preliminary assessment items. After the preliminary assessment items were selected, a preliminary survey of 232 adults aged 19 years and above was conducted and Rasch analysis was performed to verify the validity of the items. The final assessment items were derived by analyzing the person and item fit, the difficulty of the items, the rating scale, and the separation reliability. Results : Of the 232 subjects, five (2.15%) were found to be ineligible. From the analysis of the fit of the assessment items with the 227 eligible subjects (excluding the five ineligible subjects), three items were judged as misfit items. The analysis of the difficulty of the items showed that the item “Do you carry disposable gloves when you go out?” was very difficult to do. The rating scale analysis showed that the three-point scale is more suitable than the five-point scale and that the separation reliability was 0.99. Finally, four categories (human surveillance, patient management, contact management, and community restriction) and 28 items were selected. Conclusion : For the infection control assessment tool, four categories and 28 items were finally selected, and a three-point Likert scale was developed. Follow-up studies are needed to prove the concurrent validity of the tool through its correlation with other assessment tools and to analyze factors that influence infection control activities.
목적 : 본 연구는 만 19세 이상 일반인들의 호흡기 감염병을 예방하기 위해 감염관리 활동을 평가하기 위한 평가도구를 개발하고자 실시되었다. 연구방법 : 2022년 5월부터 2022년 7월까지 선행연구들을 분석하여 문항을 수집하고, 감염관리 전문 간호사 3인과 교수 1인, 의사 1인으로 구성된 1차 전문가 그룹 포커스 회의를 통해 예비문항을 작성한 후에 중요도 및 수행빈도를 조사 한 후 2차 전문가 그룹 포커스 회의를 통해 유사 기능 및 동시 수행 활동을 조사하여 예비문항을 선정하였다. 예비 문항 선정 후 만 19세 이상 성인 232명에게 문항 예비조사를 실시하였고, 라쉬 분석을 실시하여 타당성을 검증하였 고 문항난이도, 대상자 및 문항적합도, 분리신뢰도, 평정척도를 분석한 다음 최종문항들을 도출하였다. 결과 : 조사대상자 232명 중 5명(2.15%)이 부적합 대상자로 나타났다. 부적합자 5명을 제외한 적합대상자 227명을 대상 으로 문항의 적합도를 분석한 결과 부적합 문항으로 3개 문항이 판정되었다. 문항의 난이도 분석에서 외출할 때 일회용 장갑을 휴대하십니까? 문항이 높은 난이도를 보였다. 평정척도 분석 결과에서는 5점 척도에 비해 3점 척도가 더 적합한 것으로 나타났으며, 분리 신뢰도는 .99로 나타났다. 최종적으로 4개 범주(인간 감시, 환자 관리, 접촉 관리, 지역사회 규제), 28개 문항이 선정되었다. 결론 : 감염관리 활동 평가도구는 4개 범주 영역, 28개 문항을 최종 선정하였고, 3점 리커트 척도로 개발되었다. 추후 연구에서는 다른 평가도구와의 공인타당도를 입증하기 위한 상관관계 분석을 실시하며, 감염관리 활동에 영향을 받는 요소들을 분석하는 후속 연구들이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 전문가 포커스 그룹
2. 대상자
3. 연구 과정
4. 자료 분석
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 적합도 판정
2. 문항난이도 분석
3. 평정 척도 분석
4. 분리 신뢰도
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론