

성공적인 KDB산업은행의 부산이전 및 활용을 위한 정책지렛대 발굴과 전략개발에 관한 시뮬레이션 연구



This study investigates how much strength of the public sector’s relocation policy affect the performance to avoid capital congestion and to develop regional economy. For this purpose, agent-based relocation model was constructed. We divided the territory of Korea into 4 regions including capital region and gave the relocation model some constraints and conditions to process steps of simulation results are presented. The results showed the effect of KDB’s relocation to Busan policy to reduce the net immigration to the capital area and develop the regional economy was very limited. Instead of relocation to Busan policy, the effect of renovation to Busan policy about the level-up of education and the storage of high quality of knowledge and technology was very significant. In summary, relocation to Busan policy is just symbol to show the regional autonomy era and the long-term strategies for core competency of the region such as regulatory reform, education, the quality of knowledge and technology is essential to avoid the exodus from the region and to enhance the regional economy.


시뮬레이션을 위한 현황 고찰
시뮬레이션 모형의 조건
KDB산업은행 부산이전 정책 시뮬레이션


  • 박기남 동의대학교 정보경영학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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