

Elevating Tourism in South Korea : Enhancing the Tourist Experience in Seoul and Jeju



The study of tourist experience is a popular research topic, as it can help promote a thriving tourism industry. Chinese tourists as a leading player in the tourism industry accounted for almost one-fifth of global tourism spending before COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic gradually recedes, tourism markets around the world are beginning to recover. To attract more tourists, destinations must proactively improve the tourist experience. Thus, this study aims to focus on newly arrived Chinese tourists using a mixed-method approach that includes both text-mining and interviews. We are also exploring general key tourist experience factors including the positive and negative factors during Chinese tourists’ travels to Seoul and Jeju in Korea. This study utilized a tourist experience conceptual model to gain a deeper understanding of the experimental results and summarized the general key tourist experience factors, the positive and the negative factors of Seoul and Jeju respectively. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations are tailor-made specifically for Seoul and Jeju to help local tourism providers improve services and offer a better experience to tourists.


Conceptual Background
Tourist Experience Conceptual Model
Research Procedure
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Quantitative Analysis and Results
LDA Topic Modeling Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
Extracted Key factors of Seoul and Jeju
Qualitative Analysis and Results
Interview Analysis
Comparison Between Quantitative and Qualitative Studies
General TE and Sentiment factors
Recommendations for Seoul and Jeju
Discussion and Implications
Discussion of Finding
Limitations and Future Research
Implications for Research and Practice


  • 풍효문 JD.Com China
  • 김성범 연세대학교 정보대학원
  • 김희웅 연세대학교 정보대학원


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