

Session_3 (좌장: 박대식 교수, 강원대학교)

Evaluating the growth rates of adult Hong Kong newt (Family Salamandridae, Paramesotriton hongkongensis) during breeding and non-breeding period



Quantifying demographic parameters is essential to interpret and understand wildlife population dynamics. Growth rate, which can be a potential response to sublethal environmental changes, influences survival and fecundity and subsequently contributes to individual fitness and population growth. The Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) is the only extant salamander species in Hong Kong, and it is threatened by habitat loss, roadkill, overexploitation, and other factors. Previous studies have found that the annual survival of Hong Kong newts relates positively to forest coverage and body length. In this study, we investigate changes in growth rate using a long-term capture-mark-recapture dataset of four Hong Kong newt populations. We quantified the growth rate from nearly one thousand adult individuals that were recaptured. Preliminary results indicated that growth rate, in terms of changes in body mass, differs between the breeding and non-breeding periods, which is likely related to several environmental and individual factors. The results will enhance our understanding of how individual growth is affected by these factors and provide insights into the ecology and conservation of this species and other Paramesotriton salamanders.


  • Gena Yip Science Unit, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China
  • Anthony Lau Science Unit, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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