

Oral Session

Breeding of new oak mushroom in Gyeonggi-do and development of stable production technology


Jeong-Han, Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A new cultivar of oak mushroom ‘Jadam’ was bred from monokaryotic strains of ‘Hwadam-18’ and ‘GMLE36295-22’. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of ‘Jadam’ on potato dextrose agar was 22-25℃. Total cultivation period of the new cultivar, from inoculation to its first harvest, was 122-124 days, shorter to that of the control cultivar‘Hwadam’. Total yield of ‘Jadam’ was 623.8 g per 3 kg substrate, and is higher than that of ‘Hwadam’(455.2 g). In the fruiting body of the new cultivar, the stipe was shorter and thinner than those of ‘Hwadam’. In farmhouse field test, it showed that the period of mycelial growth, browning were shorter than those of control cultivar ‘L808’. The total yield for 2 flush was 543.3 g for ‘Jadam’. It was similar to the 585.3 g of the control cultivar. Therefore, the new cultivar ‘Jadam’ could be a substitute for ‘L808’ in the field of farms. The effect of punching treatment on bags containing sawdust medium for the stable production of fruiting bodies of Lentinula edodes 'Jadam' was investigated. After spawn inoculation, the sawdust medium temperature and CO2 concentration reached 24.1℃ on the 33rd day of incubation, and on the 19th day of incubation, respectively, decreasing thereafter. The O2 concentration showed an opposite pattern to the CO2 concentration. As the number of punching treatments on the medium increased during the incubation period, the lightness value decreased, and conversely, the color difference and weight loss rate increased. There was no difference in the cultivation period according to the punching treatment. As the punching treatment increased on the sawdust medium, the fruiting body yield increased, When 15 holes are processed per bag with a diameter of 5mm and a depteh of 70mm, the yield for two cycles was the best with 644.7g. Thus, proper punching treatment on a sawdust medium during the incubation period can increase the number of fruiting bodies and yield.


  • Jeong-Han, Kim Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeonggi Gwangju, 12805, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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