

A Policy Proposal on the Counter-terrorism Directive of the Ministry of National Defense




This study aims to examine the history, legal character, and limitations of the 'Counterterrorism Directive of the Ministry of National Defense' and propose directions for revising relevant laws to overcome these limitations. The 'Counterterrorism Directive of the Ministry of National Defense' is an administrative rule and internal regulation that cannot serve as a legal basis to infringe upon the basic rights of citizens or restrict their freedom. The 'Counterterrorism Directive of the Ministry of National Defense' is an administrative rule and internal regulation that cannot serve as a legal basis to infringe upon the basic rights of citizens or restrict their freedom. There is also a concern that the overlapping involvement of the Defense Counterintelligence Command and the Criminal Investigation Command of the Ministry of National Defense in counterterrorism investigations could lead to confusion during the initial stages of the investigation. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the relevant laws to ensure legal control over the military's counterterrorism investigations and the collection of information on terrorist suspects, and the reevaluation of the counterterrorism investigative agency for military facilities should be conducted.


Problem Statement
A Theoretical Review
The Chronology of the Ministry of National Defense's Counterterrorism Directive.
The Legal Nature of the &quat;Ministry of National Defense Counterterrorism Directive&quat;
An Issue with the Relevant Law
Suggestions and Conclusions


  • Bong Gu Jeon Department of Police Administration, Dong-eui University, 176 Eomgwang-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan, Korea
  • Dae Sung Lee Department of Police Administration, Dong-eui University, 176 Eomgwang-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan, Korea


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