

A Research on Spiritual Formation in Christian Education


Shin, Hyun-Kwang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper we try to search for the some implications of spiritual formation in Christian education, dealing with biblical foundations of spiritual formation, biblical content of spiritual maturity, spiritual formation of developmental stages, spiritual formation through spiritual discipline, and the integration of personality and Christian maturity. Spiritual formation is more than the transfer of knowledge from a teacher to a learner. Spiritual formation begins first in the changes of the heart, where being begins. These changes primarily bring about relational depth with God and others. The by-product, not the goal, is secondary change in behaviors and attitudes. The blessing of Christian maturity leads us to the fullness of Christ in our own lives. Additionally, it serves as a safeguard against the confusion and spiritual deceit we so often encounter in the religious world. By being formed to His image, we are made stable and sound in contrast to spiritual infants who cannot steady themselves when blown about by schemes and heresies. Spiritual maturity is the quality of being fully developed in spirit. For the Christian this development entails, more specifically, being conformed to the image of Christ. The formation process for spiritual maturity according to developmental stages offers unconditional love and an atmosphere of grace. Where there is grace, there is safety to fail without the threat of guilt or condemnation. Spiritual formation depends upon a place of safety and acceptance. Spiritual discipline is the exercises that carried out on a regular basis by individuals or groups in order to make habitual certain actions and attitudes that open one up to God or express a way of life given over to God. The aim of the spiritual disciplines is to create space for God in our lives. They are a way to acknowledge our commitment to Jesus by seeking on a daily basis to make his Way our way. Discipline is related to the purification of human behavior in general, and to a special academic division of knowledge and training learning in professional terms. An integrated personality is another way of expressing the concept of spiritual maturity. It is not His will for the new-born Christian to remain in a state of spiritual babyhood. Instead, God expects maturity. Each Christian is admonished to be filled with the fullness of God. The goal is the perfect man in Christ. Spiritual maturity is achieved by walking worthily as a child of God. We always try to spiritual maturity through spiritual formation by spiritual discipline.


I. Introduction
II. Biblical Foundations of Spiritual Formation
1. Spiritual Formation in the Old Testament
2. Spiritual Formation in the New Testament
III. Biblical Content of Spiritual Maturity
IV. Spiritual Formation of Developmental Stages
1. Spiritual Formation in Childhood
2. Spiritual Formation in Adolescence
3. Spiritual Formation in Adulthood
V. Spiritual Formation through the Spiritual Disciplines
VI. The Integration of Personality and Christian Maturity in Christian Education
VII. Conclusion


  • Shin, Hyun-Kwang Anyang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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