


存在型アスペクト形式試論 -古典日本語と現代韓国語の共通性をめぐって-


A contrastive study of existential aspect forms - On the commonality between Classical Japaneseand Modern Korean -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Contrasting the Classical Japanese and Modern Korean aspectual forms that originated from existential verbs, this paper argues that there is a parallel relationship between the two languages in that both have intentionality as a factor in the choice of aspectual form. First, referring to An and Fukushima (2005) and Kim, Kyung-ae (2006), we confirm the similarity between Classical Japanese and Modern Korean as well as the difference between -ko iss- and -e iss- in Modern Korean. We go on to reveal that there are commonalities in the uses of aspectual forms in Classical Japanese and Modern Korean. One of the similarities between the two languages is that a factor in the choice of aspectual form is whether or not the relevant action or state is maintained by the subject, though the use of the two forms in Korean is not restricted by animacy or genericity. We suggest that the restrictions on animacy and genericity observed in Classical Japanese reflect the semantic difference between the existential verbs iru and aru.


1. はじめに
2.1 中世末期日本語と現代韓国語
2.2 現代韓国語:고 있다と아/어 있다
3. 中世日本語と現代韓国語の共通性
3.1 中世日本語の「ている/てある」の選択要因
3.2 中世日本語と現代韓国語とを比較して
4. おわりに


  • 野田高広 Noda, Takahiro. 韓国外国語大学 日本言語文化専攻 助教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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