



The Creation of Artistic Conception under the Framework of Rain Image ?in Wang Wei's Poems

황월명, 김창경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Image is not a product of poetry but the most characteristic part of poetry, and its fundamental function in poetry comes from the cultural accumulation and energy it contains. Image is the most important part of China's classical poetry aesthetics. It is not only an artistic creation technique, but also a philosophy for Chinese people to observe and view the world. The image of “rain” has different cultural implications when it is combined with aesthetic elements in different times. The rain in different seasons, different times and different places are also different. Compared with other famous poets in Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei's rain image has distinct personal characteristics. He wrote about sitting in the rain, but found growth in this quiet and warm atmosphere, and further found the vitality and vigor of the nature, thus creating an artistic conception where one lives in harmony with surrounding things , which is both quiet and full of vitality. He wrote about silent thinking in the rain and meditation in the rain. The rain here not only moved from the external space into the poet's emotional world, but also triggered his deep thinking about the philosophy of life, thus endowing the “rain” with a bit of “Buddhist mood”. In this study, the “rain image” was taken as the starting point. First, the characteristics of the overall rain image in the Tang Dynasty was studied. Then, the meaning of the rain images used by several representative poets in their works were sorted out and analyzed. On this basis, the rain image in Wang Wei's poetry was analyzed. The author believes that the rain image in Wang Wei's poetry has a “tranquil and far-reaching” aesthetic function in the creation of the overall artistic conception of poetry, and has a profound philosophical meaning.


  • 황월명
  • 김창경


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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