

무역관련 용어 해석의 명확화를 위한 리엔지니어링


Reengineering for Disambiguation of Trade-related Terms Interpretation

이창숙, 우광명

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Due to the expansion of world trade transactions such as FTAs, trade-related terms that have been limited to specific traders are now becoming terms that everyone should know. However, the information on trade-related terms provided by portal sites or trade-related organizations is inaccurate or insufficient. In particular, there are cases where the contents of the revision are not reflected. Accordingly, a lot of time may be consumed or incorrect information may be obtained in the process of searching for unknown trade-related terms. The purpose of this study is to present some errors in the information provided on the Internet, review the problems of providing information on trade-related terms, and then propose a reengineering method for them. In addition, the expected effects of such reengineering are also presented in this paper. As a result, learning about trade-related terms is carried out efficiently, and understanding of them can be improved. It will also help train trade experts. It is considered disambiguation of trade-related terminology will act as a major change in the future.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 현행 무역관련 용어 정보제공의 문제점
Ⅲ. 명확한 정보제공을 위한 리엔지니어링
Ⅳ. 리엔지니어링을 통한 기대효과
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이창숙 Chang-Sook Lee. 부산외국어대학교 시간강사, 제1연구자
  • 우광명 Kwang-Myung Woo. 목원대학교 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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