


실시간 표면거칠기 예측을 위한 RBF 기반 예측모델에 관한 연구


A Study on RBF-Based Prediction Model for Real-Time Surface Roughness Prediction

이충우, 정준영, 김인주, 김지선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The cutting process, which is a key processing technology in various industrial fields is achieving continuous growth, and the demand for high-quality cutting surfaces is continuously demanded. Plasma cutting continues to be studied for its excellent workability and productivity, but problems with cutting surface quality such as dross formation occur, so research to secure excellent cutting surface quality through appropriate control of process variables is essential. In this study, we propose a method for predicting surface roughness using real-time current and cutting speed data obtained while performing plasma cutting on A106 B steel pipe. Surface roughness was predicted based on the RBF algorithm applicable to prediction and control models. It was shown that the surface roughness of the plasma cutting surface can be predicted with the arc current waveform and process speed data. This study can be used as a basic study to control the surface roughness of the cut surface in real time.


1. 서론
2. 플라즈마 절단 실험
2.1 실험 방법 및 계획
2.2 실험 결과
3. 표면거칠기 예측모델 개발
3.1 RBF 알고리즘
3.2 RBF 기반 예측모델 개발
3.3 예측모델의 성능
4. 결론


  • 이충우 Chung-Woo Lee. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 정준영 Jun-Yeong Jeong. Mokpo National University
  • 김인주 In-Ju Kim. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 김지선 Ji-Sun Kim. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Senior Researcher


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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