

Environmental Information Technology (EIT)

A Method for Inferring Development Progress in a Waterfall Model-based Software Development Environment



Currently, our society is showing many changes due to the influence of information and communication technology (ICT). At the center of these information and communication technologies are software, intelligence, and sensing technologies. The software-related industry is steadily developing due to various software development policies implemented by the government and related organizations. Software development is desirable, but on the other hand, some negative aspects are also appearing. In this study, we proposed an objective way to infer the progress of software development for reasonable resolution of cases when a dispute related to the progress of development occurred during the software development process. The proposed solution was based on the waterfall model. The outputs generated in each process of the waterfall model are contents excluded from subjectivity. Therefore, it can be used as an objective method for calculating software development progress.


1. Introduction
2. Waterfall Model based Software Development
2.1 Waterfall Model Life Cycle
2.2 Problems in The Software Development Process
3. Software Development Progress Inference Method
4. Conclusion


  • Seong-Hoon Lee Professor, Division of Computer Engineering, Baekseok University, Korea
  • Dong-Woo Lee Professor, Department of Computer Information, Woosong University, Korea


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